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GLVWG Write Stuff Conference

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Write Stuff Writers Conference, hosted by the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers' Group in PA. I attended the Saturday segment, as well as a "Page Cuts" critique session on the Friday night. The entire experience was full of wisdom, learning, copious note-taking, and a warm camaraderie with other writers.

The critique session was a bit intimidating, but I got such wonderful feedback and truly helpful suggestions. Anyone who has never participated should consider it -- the suggestions are not meant to "roast" you, but to help you strengthen those all important first pages!

Saturday was a packed day of one workshop after another. With over 20 to choose from there was something for everyone! I chose to attend those that would allow me a new speaker every hour in order to gain multiple perspectives throughout the day. Some involved the CRAFT -- such as character development, YA writing, and magazine and flash lit. Others focused more on author mindset, such as working through writer's block and staying positive and in the flow. Our keynote speaker was author Ben Wolfe, who spoke to us about writing through adversity. His story was inspirational, motivational, and full of wisdom!

The day ended with a book fair and lots of door prizes. I was pleasantly surprised to win 2nd place in a flash lit contest in the fiction category, and I came home with my head overflowing with new ideas and lots of affirmation. Most of all, I met some incredible people that I look forward to getting to know better. Next year I'll most definitely be returning -- maybe you'll come along, too?

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